Meaning of two tickets for Illinois DUI
Frequently a person who is arrested for driving under the influence will receive multiple traffic citations from the police officer. The number of tickets can cause some people to panic, believing they...
View ArticleDefinition of driving under the influence of alcohol according to Illinois law
Driving under the influence can be charged in numerous ways under Illinois law. It can be based on impairment by illegal drugs, prescription medication, and the combined influence of alcohol and drugs....
View ArticleDriving under the influence of drugs: a summary of Illinois laws
In Illinois, the offense of driving under the influence can be based on alcohol, drugs, or even prescribed medication. Some refer to this as drugged driving, as opposed to drunk driving. This offense...
View ArticleStatutory summary suspension for DUI based on drugs
When a person is arrested for driving under the influence in Illinois, the arresting officer will ask him to submit to a chemical test. The most common form of test is a breathalyzer at the police...
View ArticleQuick fact: percentage of summary suspensions rescinded in Illinois courts
Each year, the Secretary of State releases a DUI Fact Book explaining the law and number of arrests for driving under the influence in Illinois. The Secretary compares these figures for each county, as...
View ArticleDriver’s license suspension and DUI: not related
One issue from an arrest for driving under the influence that is confusing is the difference between the summary suspension and the criminal offense of DUI. Many people believe that if you are found...
View ArticlePenalties for first DUI offense in Illinois
In the year 2014, driving under the influence remains one of the most highly politicized offenses in Illinois courts. There is no offense that will get a prosecutor fired quicker for giving a good deal...
View ArticleFirst Time DUI in Illinois
You are heading home from having a couple drinks with friends . . . and you see flashing lights behind you. You have been drinking and driving, and for the first time in your life, you are about to get...
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